Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Remembering Glen - This Satuday !

Just a reminder – this Saturday Glen’s friends will be gathering for a celebration of his life. We look forward to seeing you there. Please pass this invitation to anyone who may have known Glen.

Bring your best Glen story and come prepared to have a great time! In addition to the numbers listed below, you can reach me at 713-966-9497


Everyone is invited for an evening to honor our dear friend, the artist Glen Gips. If you own any of Glen’s art, you are urged to bring it with you for consideration in an upcoming show at Art Car Museum. Please forward this invitation to others who knew him.

6 – 10 P.M., OCTOBER 16, 2010

Mary Jenewein’s Studio

4313 University Oaks

Houston, TX 77004

There will be Potluck Supper, so please bring something to share. We will supply keg beer, soft drinks and bottled water – otherwise, B.Y.O.B. Glen’s art and photos will be displayed. WE HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE.

Mary Jenewein 713.747.1261

Sandy Calhoun

Bill Shackelford

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Glen's Eulogy

That was one of the most beautiful, as well as fitting, eulogies I've ever heard. It was so "Glen," for all of us that had the opportunity to know him. We were able to spend more time with Glen than usual after he had been hospitalized. It was during this time that we felt so much closer to him, and that we developed a much deeper understanding of him. I do so admire his strength and patience during those difficult last months. Somehow, he managed to keep a sense of humor, as well. We were fortunate to have had some special time with him. We will miss you, Glen.

Glen Gips - Eulogy

Some of you have asked that I post the Eulogy given at Glen's funeral to the blog so they could read it again.  I am happy to share it with you.

Glen Gips - Eulogy
By Darla Gips

The day Glen died, Dr. Wahl asked us when Glen had become so obsessed with time. We told him it had been in the last several years. I was thinking about that conversation on the way to work the next morning. And I got to thinking that Glen has always been at odds with “time.” I can’t tell you the frustration we felt when Glen would lollygag around or drag his heels whenever he went anywhere with us. The waiting for him to wander through resale shops or garage sales looking at things we considered not-important or uninteresting to us.

– or stopping to talk to somebody who looked interesting to him – or to anyone that would talk to him – the waiting while he purchased some oddball trinket or took some off-angle photograph just because it struck his fancy – or even when he stopped to take a picture of a smushed bug. I remember so many of those times. His tenacious questioning when he wanted an answer to something - the “time” he spent getting that answer. The aggravation, the irritation – all because we were running late on account of Glen.

But you know what? I think maybe Glen was the only one who really GOT the concept of “time”. Glen actually had “time” to visit with people. He had “time” to make new friends. He had “time” to look at all kinds of eclectic stuff in souvenir shops. He had the “time” to feed his imagination so that he could create his art. He took the "time" to “notice” you. He had “time” for his friends – he made “time” for family.

He wasn’t perfect – and he knew just how and where to push your buttons. Believe me – I have several buttons and he pushed all of them at one time or another through the years. He was really good at it. Any of us who were loved by Glen know from experience this is a truth. It seems that we were always so busy with our own families or our own worries that we couldn’t appreciate Glen’s attention to “time”. We sometimes thought Glen didn’t live by a clock – that he was wasting his life away – not accomplishing anything or not applying himself - when in fact, he probably used his “time” better than WE ever thought of doing.

I don’t know if it was on purpose that Glen’s life wasn’t governed by a real clock, but rather by his own God-given life clock. Maybe he knew his “time” here on earth would be short. I don’t know those things. I DO know that Glen demanded you notice him. He spent the extra “time” to make an impression. And these last several months, I’ve met many people whose lives he has touched in some way. They remember Glen – AND BY NAME. And – he remembered their names. I’m embarrassed to say that I rarely remember someone’s name when I’m introduced. I don’t take the “time”.

But Glen? He had that gift of “time” to give to most every person he met. You remembered Glen once you met him. He had the “time” to make a lasting impression. Or should I say he had a gift? Glen gave part of himself to everyone he met whether he realized it or not. That is a great legacy, and I’m glad Glen had “time” for me.

I pray that God grants each of us some of Glen’s “time” so that we too, can touch the life of others the way Glen has touched ours.

Posting to the Blog

I didn't realize that readers of the blog have been unable to post comments to the updates I provided.  I sincerely apologize to any of who tried and couldn't.  This is the first time I've used a blogging tool to get information out to a group of people. 

When someone told me there was no way to leave comments, I did some research and I have hopefully fixed that problem.  I have sent invitations to those of you who have emailed me personally, or who have been automatically notified of updates through email to become authors of the blog so you can post.  Please let me know if you would like to be removed from the list or if you have trouble leaving a message.

I do believe you have to accept the invitation in order to post.

I thought that once you had clicked on the link to follow the blog, you would be able to comment - but I guess not.  Anyhow - my apologies. 

Just want to make sure you all get information about the celebration Sandy & Mary are planning in October

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

On Line Memorium

You can view an on-line memorium to Glen by going to:

www.earthmanbellaire.com and click on Glen's name. This opens up Glen's page.
Under Family Photos - click the "View Photo Gallery" Button. Then click to start the slideshow.

Let me know if you have any problem viewing at dgips@gipsgaits.com

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Glen Gips 1958 - 2010

Dear Friends:

Glen made his journey to the other side this morning at 11:45. His soul is now free to paint upon the heavens and leave his indelible mark for us to remember him by. We are looking forward to the signs he'll give us from time to time that will remind us that although he is not here in the flesh, he is surely watching over us from afar and painting a tapestry of our lives to share when we are once again reunited with him.

A visitation will be held Thursday, August 5 from 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. at Earthman's Funeral home, 6700 Ferris Street, Bellaire, TX 77401-3919;(713) 667-6505.

Funeral Services will be held on Friday, August 6 at 9:00 a.m. at Faith Lutheran Church located at 4600 Bellaire Blvd., Bellaire, TX. The church is located 2 blocks east of Loop 610 in Bellaire. Afterward a short reception will be held for those not traveling to Yorktown and who wish to pay their respects to the family.

Glen will be buried in Yorktown, Texas in the Westside Cemetery near his mother, father and paternal grandparents and a short graveside service will be conducted at 3:00 p.m.

If you need further information or need to contact us, please call me at 713-966-9497or email me at dgips@gipsgaits.com and I'll contact you quickly and hopefully will have an answer to any of your questions.

Darla Gips

Friday, July 30, 2010

Glen - Update July 30, 2010

Dear Friends:

Today Glen's family made the decision to discontinue life support for Glen. It has been a long 7 1/2 months for everybody. For 4 1/2 of those months, Glen has been in unresponsive state due to an anoxic brain injury caused by lack of oxygen to the brain, and because of major strokes as well. Try as we might to hold out hope that the old Glen would somehow be able to make it back to us, that hasn't happened.

Today the doctors told us that Glen is beginning to show signs that his body has begun shutting down. Glen has been having trouble keeping his oxygenation level stable and now is not tolerating the tube feeding.

So - with a heavy heart, it was decided to discontinue life support on Tuesday, August 3.

Any of you who would like to visit this weekend are welcome. He is in Ben Taub Hospital in the ICU on the 4th Floor. We understand if you don't want to visit, too. Our Glen is no longer here. Our Glen is in our hearts and our minds and in the art and memories of him he leaves behind.

When we have final arrangements to share, we will post again.

Glen's Family