Thursday, March 25, 2010

Glen Update - Thursday, March 25

Well, friends, Glen appears to be much the same today. I can tell you that the spinal tap is clean - meaning he does not have meningitis and that has been ruled out as a cause of his hypoxia.

Douglas,Jr. David and I went to visit at the 1:00 hour today and got from the nurse that he was stable, but still sleeping. She said he will react to certain stimuli sometimes, but he still cannot follow simple directions or lift his limbs or follow with his eyes.

He is still running a low grade fever. He is due for another evaluation on Tuesday from the neurologists, so I don't think there is much more I can add at this point. I hate sounding like a broken record, so until there is a shift in his condition, I probably will not be updating his blog.

Keep Glen in your prayers - they are really needed.


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